TIE-Fighter Duplicate Wings
Initially I had just duplicated all the object required to create the wing for the purpose of having two symmetrical wings and saving the time of re-creating everything from scratch. Only issue I had from this was that all the object would rotate separately and would be muddled all over the screen rather than staying attached in the correct areas.
Above is the final example of how i had done this.
I have gone to Windows > Outliner and selected all the objects making the one wing.
Once that was done and all objects were highlighted in the outliner I used Ctrl + G to group these objects together.
This made it so when I edited the models from the group window, all objects would be edited respectively of where they were and how they were according to its arrangement.
So I duplicated the group from the outliner and from the attribute editor I had scaled it to -1 along the x-axis. This made it so the group was rotated perfectly 180 degrees and was easily translated into its correct position.
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